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Planning Board Minutes 6/13/13
Planning Board meeting minutes Thursday June 13, 2013

Meeting opened 7:07 p.m.

Members present: Larry Klein, Alan Salamon, Stephen Enoch, Maggie Leonard, Roger Tryon.

Members absent: Barry Karson, Bridget Krans

The Building Commissioner, Don Torrico, left an application for a sign permit on the meeting table for the board to review. The sign permit application was from Gould Farm/Ben Krider.  The sign in question is a large banner (size?) to publicize the 100th anniversary of Gould Farm. The sign was approved by the Select Board for size and long-term display in the center of town. For various reasons concerning how the sign was interacting with the wind and effecting structure stability, the sign was removed from the center of town. The new sign permit application seeks to move the sign to hang between two hay loaders, with the straw figures, on the Gould Farm field on the south side of Route 23. The board unanimously approved the sign permit application. Board co-chair Stephen Enoch, an employee of Gould Farm, recused himself from the vote.

Enoch pointed out that the sign bylaw has conflicting information about which town board, the Select Board or the Planning Board, is responsible for approving and/or waiving the size and duration requirements. Both boards are noted in the regulations.

The board reviewed the recommendations from Town Counsel regarding the very minor changes to the solar power zoning bylaw proposal. All suggested changes were approved and implemented.

The board reviewed the wording for the warrant article to be included in the special town meeting in July. Several minor changes in wording were made. Klein requested that the telecommunications zoning bylaw designation on the warrant article be changed to Personal Wireless Telecommunications Services.

Reports from board members: Alan Salamon and Larry Klein met with Brian Domina at Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) regarding the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Domina sent them to meet with Mark Molloy, BRPC’s map guy. Molloy was able to provide Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) for Monterey, but he was not able to answer questions regarding the impact that the NFIP may have on building regulations around the lakes in Monterey. Salamon stated that Molloy provided a contact who knows everything about the program: Richard Zingarelli, MA DCR Flood Hazardous Management Program 251 Causeway St. , Suite 600- 900 Boston, Ma. Zingarelli is currently away until June 18th.

Opened mail: there was one public hearing notice from Great Barrington.

Adjourned 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Maggie Leonard, co-chair